Important Announcement.
More About LSAR
The London Search and Rescue team was founded in 2002. We are comprised of highly skilled volunteers trained in Ground Search and Rescue to locate lost or missing persons in a 150 km radius of London, Ontario. Members of LSAR are trained in Standard First Aid, Basic and Advanced Search and Rescue, evidence handling, orienteering, search patterns, missing person behaviour, psychology of survival, man tracking and many other areas of expertise to effectively assist on searches. Several members have advanced training in man-tracking, rope rescue, medical first responder, and search management.
Our volunteers are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Members search in all weather conditions and during all seasons. London Search and Rescue is unconditional in our purpose and our love for our community – we will search for anyone the police asks us to search for, in any weather, at any time of the day or night, and we will travel hours outside of London when requested. We are endlessly dedicated to the well-being of the public, and members commit to training twice monthly to ensure our skills are maintained, and we leave our families whenever a call for help comes in. The ability for the Police Services to have reliable, dedicated, and professional search team in London and the surrounding area has alleviated the cost of having paid police staff on searches and has expanded search capabilities. We are passionate about our skills, and committed to upholding these skillsets, in order to improve the lives of people in South Western Ontario.
Throughout the year, London Search and Rescue members teach free educational safety programs to youth, such as Brownie or Scout troops or school classrooms. We feel that this program is critical to the well being of the children in our community, as well as their families. Our AdventureSmart presenters know that equipping youth with survival skills will further prevent missing persons.

Our mission is the enhancement of search and rescue, emergency response to the London area and the promotion of outdoor safety in South Western Ontario.
Search Area
LSAR Motto
No Call For Help Goes Unanswered
Without regard to my personal comfort or self-advancement, to the best of my ability and to the limitations to my physical and psychological endurance, I solemnly pledge to make every effort to return to safety, those victims of disaster entrusted to my care by the assignment of the mission to which I have consented. These things I shall do. ‘That others may live’.
How to Help?
Interested in helping those in distress? Email us or head to our FAQ page to see what our recruiting process looks like!
Find Out How
Check out our education series, which features our AdventureSmart program. Find out more by clicking the education button below!
London Search and Rescue (LSAR) is a 100% volunteer organization committed to aiding those in distress.
Registered Charitable Organization #70931 0478 RR0001
Make A Donation
Join our amazing donors and assist us in helping the community. Hit the button below to find our PayPal link.
Sponsor a Searcher
Your generosity makes our work possible. Help outfit a searcher with everything they need!
Browse Our Wishlist
Become a Member
LSAR is always open to new members. We typically intake new recruits once or twice yearly.
Ground search and rescue is a complex undertaking that requires many levels of support. As such, we offer a wide range of positions accommodating various levels of experience, age and physical ability. The following are only some of the volunteering opportunities available:
- Searcher
- Fundraiser
- Grant Writer
- Logistics: Support
- Committee Volunteer
- Public Relations & Social Media
- Treasurer: Finance
- Events
- Field Trainer
- Classroom Trainer
LSAR Stats – 2022
Meeting/Event Hours
7 Presentations